
getbyattrib(D::Vector{<:GMTdataset}[, index::Bool=false]; kw...)


filter(D::Vector{<:GMTdataset}; kw...)


findall(D::Vector{<:GMTdataset}; kw...)

keywords: GMT, Julia, spatial filter

Take a GMTdataset vector and return only its elements that match the condition(s) set by the kw keywords. Note, this assumes that D has its attrib fields set with usable information.

NOTE: Instead of getbyattrib one can use instead filter (..., index=false) or findall (..., index=true)

  • attrib name(s)=value(s): Easier to explain by examples: NAME="Antioquia", select all elements that have that attribute/value combination. NAME=("Antioquia", "Caldas"), picks elements that have those NAME attributes. Add as many as wished. If using two kwargs the second works as a condition. (..., NAME=("Antioquia", "Caldas"), feature_id=0) means select all elements from Antioquia and Caldas that have the attribute feature_id = 0.

  • attrib or att: (OLD SYNTAX) A NamedTuple with the attribname, attribvalue as in att=(NAME_2="value",). Use more elements if wishing to do a composite match. E.g. att=(NAME_1="val1", NAME_2="val2") in which case only segments matching the two conditions are returned.

  • index: Use this positional argument = true to return only the segment indices that match the att condition(s).


Either a vector of GMTdataset, or a vector of Int with the indices of the segments that match th query condition. Or nothing if the query results in an empty GMTdataset


D = filter(D, NAME_2="Porto");

See Also

inwhichpolygon, polygonlevels