
info(GI, showdata::Bool=true; crs::Bool=false)

Shows information about the GI GMTgrid or GMTimage that includes dimensional and, if exists, referencing data.

  • showdata: Boolean that controls if a small array subset is printed or not.

  • crs: Boolean that if true only prints the referencing information.

info(D::GDtype; crs::Bool=false, attribs=false, att="")

Shows information about the D GMTdataset (or vector of them).

  • crs: Boolean that if true only prints the referencing information.

  • attribs: In case the dataset has attributes, like they do when resulting from reading a shape file, use this parameter to print only the attribute table. A setting of attribs=true will print the entire attributes table. Give a positive number, e.g. attribs=5 to show only the first 5 attributes. A negative number prints the last n attribs. A vector range, attribs=5:9 is also accepted.

  • att: Name of one attribute. Returns a string vector with the values of the attribute passed into this option. Example, attn = info(D, att="NAME") returns all values of the attribute NAME.


Runs show(stdout, "text/plain", any) which prints all elements of any. Good for printing the entire vector or matrix.