
wmsread(wms::WMS; layer, kwargs...)

keywords: GMT, Julia, WMS

Read the layer number provided by the service from which the wms type was created.


  • wms: A WMS type obtained from the wmsinfo function.

  • layer: The layer number or layer name of interest from those provided by the WMS service. That is, both of these forms are allowed: layer=3 or layer="Invented layer name"

kwargs is the keywords/values pairs used to set

  • region | limits: The region limits. This can be a Tuple or Array with 4 elements defining the (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) or a string defining the limits in all ways that GMT can recognize. When the layer has the data projected, we can a Tuple or Array with 3 elements (lon0, lat0, width), where first two set the center of a square in geographical coordinates and the third (width) is the width of that box in meters.

  • cellsize | pixelsize | resolution | res: Sets the requested cell size in meters [default]. Use a string appended with a 'd' (e.g. resolution="0.001d") if the resolution is given in degrees. This way works only when the layer is in geogs.

  • size: Alternatively to the the cellsize use this option, a tuple or array with two elements, to specify the image dimensions. Example, size=(1200, 100) to get an image with 1200 rows and 100 columns.

  • time: Some services provide data along time. Use this option to provide a time string as provided by DateTime. For example: time=string(DateTime(2021,10,29))


A GMTimage


using GMT

wms = wmsinfo("http://tiles.maps.eox.at/wms?")
img = wmsread(wms, layer=3, region=(-10,-5,37,44), pixelsize=500);

# Retrieve and display a MODIS image
wms = wmsinfo("https://gibs-c.earthdata.nasa.gov/wms/epsg4326/best/wms.cgi");
img = wmsread(wms, layer="MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor", region=(9,22,32,43), time="2021-10-29T00:00:00", pixelsize=750);
imshow(img, proj=:guess)

See the result of the above example at Web Map Service

See Also

wmsinfo, wmstest