Map scales
Example of two map scales for a Mercator projection evaluated at 53 degrees north.
using GMT
basemap(region=(0,40,50,56), proj=:Mercator, figsize=13,
map_scale=(anchor=:ML, scale_at_lat=53, length="1000k", label="Scale at 53@.N", fancy=true),
box=(fill=:lightcyan, clearance=0, pen=1))
basemap!(map_scale=(anchor=:BR, scale_at_lat=53, length="1000k", label=true, fancy=true),
box=(fill=:white, clearance=0.25, pen=1, inner=true), show=true)
© GMT.jl. Last modified: June 07, 2023. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.11.0