
D = mat2ds(mat [,txt]; x=nothing, text=nothing, multi=false, geom=0, kwargs...)

Take a 2D mat array and convert it into a GMTdataset. x is an optional coordinates vector (must have the same number of elements as rows in mat). Use x=:ny to generate a coords array 1:n_rows of mat. Alternatively, if mat is a string or vector of strings we return a dataset with NaN's in the place of the coordinates. This form is useful to pass to text when using the region_justify option that does not need explicit coordinates to place the text.

  • txt: Return a Text record which is a GMTdataset with data = Mx2 and text in third column. The text can be an array with same size as mat rows or a string (will be repeated n_rows times.)

  • x: An optional vector with the xx coordinates

  • hdr: optional String vector with either one or n_rows multi-segment headers.

  • lc or linecolor or color: optional array of strings/symbols with color names/values. Its length can be smaller than n_cols, case in which colors will be cycled. If color is not an array of strings, e.g. color="yes", the colors cycle trough a pre-defined set of colors (same colors as in Matlab). If you want the same color repeated for many lines pass color as a vector. e.g, color=[color]

  • linethick or lt: for selecting different line thicknesses. Works like color, but should be a vector of numbers, or just a single number that is then applied to all lines.

  • fill: Optional string array (or a String of comma separated color names, or a Tuple of color names) with color names or array of "patterns".

  • fillalpha : When fill option is used, we can set the transparency of filled polygons with this option that takes in an array (vec or 1-row matrix) with numeric values between [0-1] or ]1-100], where 100 (or 1) means full transparency.

  • is3D: If input 'mat' contains at least x,y,z (?).

  • ls or linestyle: Line style. A string or an array of strings with length = size(mat,2) with line styles.

  • front: Front Line style. A string or an array of strings with length = size(mat,2) with front line styles.

  • pen: A full pen setting. A string or an array of strings with length = size(mat,2) with pen settings. This differs from lt in the sense that lt does not directly set the line thickness.

  • multi or multicol: When number of columns in mat > 2, or == 2 and x != nothing, make an multisegment Dataset with first column and 2, first and 3, etc. Convenient when want to plot a matrix where each column is a line.

  • segnan or nanseg: Boolean. If true, make a multi-segment made out of segments separated by NaNs.

  • datatype: Keep the original data type of mat. Default converts to Float64.

  • geom: The data geometry. By default, we set wkbUnknown but try to do some basic guess.

  • proj or proj4: A proj4 string for dataset CRS (Coordinate Reference System).

  • wkt: A WKT (Well Known Text) CRS.

  • colnames: Optional string vector with names for each column of mat.

  • attrib: Optional dictionary{String, String} with attributes of this dataset.

  • ref: Pass in a reference GMTdataset from which we'll take the georeference info as well as attrib and colnames

  • txtcol or textcol: Vector{String} with text to add into the .text field. Warning: no testing is done to check if length(txtcol) == size(mat,1) as it must.

D = mat2ds(mat::Vector{<:AbstractMatrix}; hdr=String[], kwargs...)::Vector{GMTdataset}

Create a multi-segment GMTdataset (a vector of GMTdataset) from matrices passed in a vector-of-matrices mat. The matrices elements of mat do not need to have the same number of rows. Think on this as specifying groups of lines/points each sharing the same settings. KWarg options of this form are more limited in number than in the general case, but can take the form of a Vector{Vector}, Vector or scalars. In the former case (Vector{Vector}) the length of each Vector[i] must equal to the number of rows of each mat[i].

  • hdr: optional String vector with either one or length(mat) multi-segment headers.

  • pen: A full pen setting. A string or an array of strings with length = length(mat) with pen settings.

  • lc or linecolor or color: optional color or array of strings/symbols with color names/values.

  • linethick or lt: for selecting different line thicknesses. Works like color, but should be a vector of numbers, or just a single number that is then applied to all lines.

  • ls or linestyle: Line style. A string or an array of strings with length = length(mat) with line styles.

  • front: Front Line style. A string or an array of strings with length = length(mat) with front line styles.

  • fill: Optional string array (or a String of comma separated color names, or a Tuple of color names) with color names or array of "patterns".

  • fillalpha: When fill option is used, we can set the transparency of filled polygons or symbols with this option that takes in an array (vec or 1-row matrix) with numeric values between [0-1] or ]1-100], where 100 (or 1) means full transparency.


Create a 3 elements vector with a color and transparency each.

using GMT
D = mat2ds([rand(6,3), rand(4,3), rand(3,3)], fill=[[:red], [:green], [:blue]], fillalpha=[0.5,0.7,0.8]);

# Now see it

See Also

mat2grid, mat2img