
I = mat2img(mat::Array{<:Unsigned}; x=[], y=[], hdr=nothing, proj4="", wkt="", cmap=nothing, kw...)

Take a 2D mat array and a hdr 1x9 [xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax reg xinc yinc] header descriptor and return a GMTimage type. Alternatively to hdr, provide a pair of vectors, x & y, with the X and Y coordinates. Optionally, the hdr arg may be omitted and it will computed from mat alone, but then x=1:ncol, y=1:nrow When mat is a 3D UInt16 array we automatically compute a UInt8 RGB image. In that case cmap is ignored. But if no conversion is wanted use option noconv=true

The method

I = mat2img(mat::Array{UInt16}; x=[], y=[], hdr=nothing, proj4::String="", wkt::String="", kw...)

Take a mat array of UInt16 and scale it down to UInt8. Input can be 2D or 3D. If the kw variable stretch is used, we stretch the intervals in stretch to [0 255]. Use this option to stretch the image histogram. If stretch is a scalar, scale the values > stretch to [0 255]

  • stretch = [v1 v2] scales all values >= v1 && <= v2 to [0 255]

  • stretch = [v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6] scales first band >= v1 && <= v2 to [0 255], second >= v3 && <= v4, same for third

  • stretch = :auto | "auto" | true | 1 will do an automatic stretching from values obtained from histogram thresholds

The kw... kwargs search for [:layout :mem_layout], [:names] and [:metadata]

See Also

mat2ds, mat2grid